How Hair Styles..?

Why do we have different types of Hair Shape

The general curls in the hair are determined by its cross sectional shape. If hair is circular in shape then it forms straight hair. If it is flattened and elliptical then it is curly or kinky. The more circular the shaft is , the straighter it is. If the shaft is more elliptical, the hair is curlier or kinkier.
The shine of the hair is also determined by the cross sectional shape of the hair. The shining of the hair is because of the sebaceous glands present underneath the skin. Our skin contains outer most 6 layered epidermis. Below the epidermis, another layer of skin is present called Dermis. The sebaceous glands will arise from the dermis only.

From dermis through epidermis they enter into the hair follicle. Straight hair will get easy and more supply of sebum from these sebaceous glands so that they are shiny. The supply will be difficult to the kinkier hair. So that they are less supplied with sebum and looks dull and dry.
Tags: Hair, hair styles, curled hair, straight hair, sebaceous glands.