Things that commonly happen to you, you need to know


It is a sudden relaxation of the diaphragm together with the intercoastal muscles that expand our lungs and abdominal muscles contraction. This results in a mass-compression effect of the lungs on a short onset and causes a violent expulsion of air in the form of the SNEEZE.
      The sneeze is a result of a noxious or allergen that enters the upper respiratory tract and is detected by neural cells present there. This sends out signals to the thalamus and the thalamus sends out signals to the muscles mentioned above and produces the sneeze.

Why BALDNESS..? **

It is also called as ALOPECIA (Scientific name of BALDNESS). In androgenic alopecia, the testosterone is acted upon by enzymes 5a reductase converts it into Di hydro testosterone (DHT).
The scalp is very sensitive to this hormone, the presence of DHT cause the hair follicle to shrink. This will eventually results to the loss of hair and inability to grow new strands.


With the approach of autumn, slight chill in the air after the relentless heat of the summer. Cooler temperatures and shortening days also signal the start of the flu season.
Exposure usually occurs in one of the following ways:
(1) By oral inoculation. 
(2) By inhaling droplets of our nasal vaccine. 
While we have much control over the air we breathe, we can control a large extent, what we touch.

Decreased amount of any light produces less VITAMIN-D. New research is revealing that this vitamin is instrumental in maintaining a healthy immune system. Our flu season is November to march. Vitamin-D is able to kill the bacteria that causes TUBERCULOSIS. Increasing vitamin-D intake during the winter months is safe.
There are two forms of vitamin-D:
D2 –Ergocalciferol—Doesn’t appear in humans.(Salmon, Raw cow's milk, Sun light, Cod liver oil)
D3- Cholecalciferol—­Made in the body.


Bruises occurs when blood vessels under the skin damaged, the blood capillaries leak blood under the skin giving purplish or red bruising results. The colors of the bruise will change as the swelling dies down and the bruise fades.
The amount of fat covering your body may be a contributing factor if you tend to bruise easily. If you do not have an adequate layer of fat, then bruises will sometimes appear with the slightest knock. 


Muscle groups around the vital organs to create warmth by stimulating the muscles to release heat as they work.The primary motor centre for shivering is located in the Hypothalamus and is activated by cold signals from the skin and spinal cord.In the case of a reaction to the cold, drop in the body temperature will signal the HYPOTHALAMUS. It stimulates the muscles to form heat. Shivering is an Autonomic nervous response to generate heat.
Shivering is a response to HYPOTHERMIA. 
  • Hypothermia is a condition in which drops the body temperature to normal body temperature.
  • Hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature than normal.


     When bacteria, virus or fungi invade our body. When our body gets infected, its  natural response is to activate cells in the immune system. These cells are called White Blood Cells(W.B.C). When they are activated , they fight these bacteria in many ways, one of which is to raise the body temperature.
   When the virus or bacteria enters the body system, they produce toxins that can directly set the body’s temperature up. Meanwhile, these toxins also trigger the W.B.C. to emit substances that can also increase the body temperature.  
     Fever that is persistent for a longer period of time is not good. There is a tendency for a disorder in the brain, when the temperature continues to be high.


Phrenic nerves of diaphragm and vagus nerve take sensation to spinal cord. This will pass through thoracic cavity and neck. Irritation of any of the nerves involved in this loop can cause the diaphragm to undergo involuntary contraction or spasm, pulling air into the lungs. This triggers a reflex in the throat muscles. So, the trachea is closed off to give “ HIC “ sound. How the drinking of water cures the respiratory defect is explained as :

 The hiccups are stopped because of the peristaltic movements in the food pipe and it is adjacent to the wind pipe. The food pipe (oesophagus) may help in the opening of the wind pipe ( Trachea ).


Reduced digestion or absorption by the small intestine allows increased amounts of sugars and carbohydrates to reach the colon where greateramounts of gas formation takes place.

**  Soon you will see some suggestions to cure the specified
(Know the intention for starting this site)
Keywords: Fever, Baldness, Health, Hiccups, How to stop Hiccups,
Acidity, Gas Formation, Gas, Control Baldness, Stop Fever.