Why Fever.? Foods to take and avoid during fever

A Reason for Fever

One Germs enter our body, they can sometimes inject certain chemicals into our blood. When your hypothalamus(a portion of brain that connects nervous system and glands) finds about this it will increase the body temperature.

Why does the hypothalamus tell your body to change to a new temperature..?

Researches say that heating up the body is a way of fighting the germs, eventually the body becomes less comfortable place for them. In a way, fever is also a good signal to you, your parents, and your doctor finds that you are sick. Without fever, it's much more difficult to tell if a person has an infection.

Shiver and then sweat

Once your hypothalamus sets a new temperature for your body, your body takes action and starts to heat up. When you get fever, you start shivering, because shivering warms the body and the energy used by shivering muscles is converted to heat.

If your body reaches the new temperature that's been set by the hypothalamus — say 102° F (38.9° C) — you won't feel cold anymore. According to your hypothalamus, your temperature is where it should be!

After the cause of the fever disappears, your hypothalamus will set your body temperature back to a normal temperature. To cool down your body one of the actions taken by hypothalamus is to sweat.

For Kids

If a kid has a higher fever and feels uncomfortable. Two medicines most oftenly prescribed are acetaminophen or ibuprofen(But please follow the doctor's suggestion, only he can tell whether it is just fever or not). The medicine blocks the chemicals that tell the hypothalamus to turn up the heat. Kids should never take aspirin to treat a fever because it can cause a  serious illness. Remember this.

Food to take 

If you have a fever, your are asked to drink more fluids than usual. Germs are least comfortable in well hydrated body. More liquid in the body results in increased urination which also help in removing the toxins from the body. which means there is more requirement of water in your body. You can have fluids like — juice, water, sports drinks, soup..etc for getting hydrated. Prefer cirous fruits.

Foods to avoid

Foods rich in animal protiens like meat and eggs should not be consumed. Avoid smoking, alcohol. Our digestion capability will be reduced so consumption of food rich in zinc, iron should be avoided. Take less sugar, it will reduce the body's immunity.

Take A Better Care :)

Tags: Why Fever, Food to take during Fever, Food to take, Food to avoid during fever, Food to avoid, Fever for Kids, Why do we shiver when we get fever, Shivering, Why do we shiver, Sweat Fever, Why do we sweat after fever, Sweating, Hospital, Best Ho.spital